Singing Guide: The Virtues

Singing Guide: The Virtues

Vocal technique, exercises, tips and relevant resources

Are you a beginner or advanced singer?

If you're aiming to sing like The Virtues, you'll need indie rock stylings with powerful and emotive vocals.

The band has a unique sound, and it can be difficult to pick apart their signature style. However, there are some key techniques that are at the core of their music. Here are a few tips on how to sing like The Virtues.

Key techniques

  • Powerful and emotive vocals: The Virtues have a distinctive and emotive vocal style, with powerful and raw emotion in every note. It's important to deliver emotion in your singing, letting your voice convey the feelings behind the lyrics. In order to do that, you'll need to work on your breath support, dynamics, and vibrato.
  • Breath control: Proper breath control is an essential element of singing. It enables you to control the power and delivery of your voice. The Virtues' lead singer, Sarah McCracken, does this perfectly. To develop breath control, start with some basic breathing exercises.
  • Warm up before you start: No matter who you are, a warm-up is crucial. You don't want to strain or damage your voice before you even start singing. You can start with some basic exercises like humming and lip trills before moving on to more challenging techniques like vocal runs and riffs.
  • Find your own style: While it's important to try and replicate The Virtues' signature sound, you also want to find your own unique style. Experiment with the techniques you learn and start to develop your own style. This might take some time and practice, but it's worth it in the end.

Songs to listen to

The Virtues have a range of songs that showcase their unique style. Here are a few that you should check out:

  • "Flowers in the Dark": This song highlights Sarah's ability to emote through her voice, while the band maintains a steady beat.
  • "Cold Feet": This track is an example of The Virtues' use of dynamics. It starts out slow and builds up, creating a tense atmosphere.
  • "The Hollow": Listen to this track to get a good sense of Sarah's vocal range, and the band's use of reverb.

Singing Carrots Resources

There are several Singing Carrots resources that can help you to develop your vocal technique and start singing like The Virtues:

  • Start with the vocal range test to see what your vocal range is.
  • Use the pitch accuracy test to see how accurately you can match pitch.
  • Check out the pitch monitor tool to help you visualize the notes you're hitting.
  • Explore the song search tool to find songs that match your vocal range and difficulty level.
  • Take the singing course to learn more about vocal technique, from basic warm-up exercises to advanced techniques like vibrato and riffs.

With these resources and techniques, you'll be well on your way to singing like The Virtues. Remember to practice consistently and be patient with yourself- becoming a great singer takes time and effort!

Learn more about this artist vocal range, voice type and repertoire.